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PADSIS conference 2020

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Welcome to PADSIS

Welcome to the Professional Association of Directors of Sport in Independent Schools

Welcome to the Professional Association of Directors  of Sport in Independent Schools

PADSIS exists to enhance the quality of leadership and management of sport in independent schools

This body which is endorsed by HMC, GSA, IAPS and ISA, supports the work of teachers responsible for leading the games programme in independent schools of all types.  It aims to help Directors of Sport, Assistant Directors of Sport, SLT, Heads of Department – and people aspiring to these roles – to enhance their leadership and management abilities and to be more effective in delivering a sports programme to meet the needs of the Twenty First century.

PADSIS will provide an environment to encourage the development of strategic vision, together with the application of leadership skills.  This might enable teachers to critically examine the nature and quality of what they provide for pupils of all abilities and levels of enthusiasm.

The place of sport in independent schools, and the expectation of parents, continues to change and evolve.  Nothing in the training of teachers prepares them for the challenge of this unique role, which is fundamental to the market position of every school. The place of PADSIS is to encourage reflection, discussion, the sharing of information and the adaptation of leadership education.

Membership options

  • Senior Individual Membership £119
  • Prep Individual Membership £59
  • School Membership (unlimited members from the same school) £229
  • Prep School Membership (unlimited members from the same school) £165
  • Overseas Membership £55

All prices include VAT

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